The BRM Executive Brief is a workshop meant to introduce Business Relationship Management key concepts in a flexible approach. This workshop’s duration is usually 60 minutes and is suitable for senior Business and Provider’s Organization Professionals (i.e. IT or HR). Over the years, we have observed that , for example, Business and IT Executives have a different interpretation of BRM, and this workshop helps both to create a shared vision of BRM as a role, practice and discipline. However, this workshop can also be customized to be suited for a broader audience.

One of the benefits of this workshop is that it answers many questions executives might have about BRM. Popular topics of interest for the Executive Brief Audience are about BRM team’s reporting lines, how BRMs can move from tactical to strategic role, and about the role of BRM in relation to service owners, portfolio managers and product managers. During the workshop, participants gain clarity about the BRM role positioning within an organization and knowledge of what BRM is all about. In general, executives come to understand that the BRM role requires specific competencies and that they need to invest in them.

As mentioned previously, a flexible approach is taken when preparing the workshop. Therefore, the content can be tailored to specific organizational needs and many pieces of content can be included. Among them, the Value Management Framework and understanding the organizational ability to create business value are widely preferred. Intuitively participants know about their organization’s ability to create value but learning about it in the BRM Executive Brief Workshop helps them to formulate it for their organization, which leads them to understand that BRMs play a significant role in the mission of the company and driving value. The future of BRM is in becoming strategic, moving away from tactical tasks. Now more than ever, organisations go through their digital transformation and strategic BRM is a key player in this journey. The Executive Brief Workshop helps participants to realize that executive support and leadership should be visible and that BRMs need help to define their role and position it strategically.

To summarize, the Executive Brief Workshop crystallizes the main concepts of Business Relationship Management and positions it so that executives can align with their BRM function within the organization, whether it is existing or emerging. BRM leadership is IT Chapter’s specialty. A variety of organizations, in different industries, have taken advantage of our expertise and guidance thought their challenges, and they say that Executive brief was the best investment of their time for the value they got. Contact us if you’re thinking about bringing this workshop to your organization.

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